Friday, July 07, 2006

5"1.5" and 155 pounds....

And I am stuck! Early last year I was at 120 pounds. Down from 130 where I hovered for most of my collegiate career. I was fit, happy and I could fit into any jeans that were thrown my way! My booty looked right and my tummy was tight. Then, I got pregnant and it was on!

I decided that I would enjoy the pregnancy and eat what I wanted. I gained 73 pounds total. I thought that the weight would "fall" off of me in the end because I was going to breastfeed and I was going to make sure that I exercised religiously. HA! Someone should have slapped me and told me that a baby would totally disrupt any plans I had for myself! Also, that breastfeeding is a miraculous weight lose helper but it doesn't do it all! LOL. I needed to just go with the flow and let it happen when it happens.

Well, that is where I am - almost seven months post pregnancy and still majorly overweight, I am half way happy with me and still loving the occasional cheeseburger. LOL. I decided to get with the program and start getting serious about trying to make the little changes to make the big difference.

My wonderful sister got me just what I asked for on Christmas day - a year long gym membership. I have been maybe 5 times total. I need to change that and start going at least 3 times a week. My wonderful mother always takes time to notes just how many servings I am having or should be having or how many bites I should take or how many sips ...yada yada... I have people who are being totally supportive. LOL. If I was a skinny b*tch!!

No one knows how hard it is for me because they are all fit or at least skinny (yes they are two different things). I am struggling to get fit even if it does mean I am fat for life now. But the last thing I need is some skinny person, who is shoveling everything I want into their mouth without care, telling me that I should only have, at most, 3 bites of carrot cake just to get a taste and sate my cravings! ARGGHHHH!!! It just makes me want to eat the whole thing so I can feel better (i.e. full of my favorite foods) and smug. ;)

I am pledging today to start working out whether at home or at the gym and also I am going to make sure that I count my calories (going in and burning off) so that I can monitor the change in me. This blog will hopefully help me to note me shortcomings without the need to eat the whole thing and also motivate me to do my best so that you can all see how a REAL MIDDLE CLASS WORKING SINGLE MOTHER makes sure to DO THE DANG THING!!


Blogger Lex said...

First, I am so excited to be the first to comment on your new blog. I had SO much fun with your pregnancy blog, and I'm sure this one is going to be a riot as well. You brought me into this world. Now, I'm thrilled to be riding this wave with you.

Speaking of riding this wave, (though I was previously referring to therapeutic blogging)you are more brave than I could ever be with regards to weight loss. There's not enough $$ in the world to get me to put a full body shot in spandex on my site, but...Do the Dang Thing, Mama!!!

You motivate me. Maybe I'll talk about it more on my blog...hmmmm, but post the weight....I don't know about that one. LOL.

So, from the other non-genetically predisposed skinny b*tch in the fam ('cuz there are only 2 of us), Let's do this!!


12:20 PM  

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