Saturday, July 08, 2006

Second Day - No Headway....

So, I wake up this morning at 540 am with a total renewed sense of life. Because of course, you can't change one thing in your life without totally recommitting to all things in your life!! I made my decision to get serious about my weight lose which means I need to get serious about my job (I actually did some work at 830 pm while I waited for time to tick away) and my finances (I created another budget), I need to totally revamp my personal space (so I will clean my room like a mad woman tomorrow if I have any energy left after today. If not, surely I will get it done in spurts next week), I renewed my vow to spend more time with my daughter at the cost of sleep (because who needs sleep to function?!?!? I made it through college without much of it so I must be a horrible mom not to take that same outlook with my child!) and it wouldn't be complete without my renewed faith in God and my salvation (I do diligently pray over my daughter and for my family but I started including myself besides the prayers for my soul and a safe journey to hell if that is really where He feels like I need to be...LOL...don't get me started on that one....that is SO another blog topic). Anyway, this renewed sense of life had me get up this morning and dress myself in yoga pants and a (nursing) tank top. LOL. I was so not heading to the gym though! I was heading in to work but I do have my yoga mat here so I figured I could get some yoga poses in before my officemate comes in for the day. ***Side note - the mat was not here in my office because I work out! LOL. It was here because I used to take my daily 2 pm naps on it when I was pregnant!*** Well, of course, after getting up that early, I needed some coffee and since I am taking better care of myself I should get some breaky-fast too. I happily drive over to Safeway and head towards the yogurt. Lowfat - check. Natural flavors - check. I grab 4 of them! LOL. I tell myself that since it is on sale, why not stock up for work next week to alternate with my oatmeal. Anyway, so I head to check out, spend $1.09 on these wonderful breaky-fast items and then looming in front of me is my morning worship goddess. I see her long flowing hair and the crown atop her head as she is encircled by my favorite morning phrase...STARBUCKS COFFEE. I know I shouldn't....there is nothing that I would get that won't cost me a meal later on in the day..but I can't help myself. I go over and happily ask the cashier to page the starbucks' lady. I feel superior. I wait in my nifty slimming all black yoga outfit with my bag of lowfat yogurt. (My cousin was discussing gym cockiness on her page - I have gym clothes cockiness) As the starbucks coffee engineer approaches I raise my nose a little higher in the air and say "VENTI CARAMEL MACCHIATTO, please" WTF?!!??! What am I thinking?!?!? VENTI?!?!? CARAMEL MACCHIATTO?!?! Do I want to eat at all today? I can't take it back though...she is already in the process of making it. I swipe, sign and move on over to the counter salivating as I think of sipping my hot liquid calorie filled goddess goodness. I can't believe myself. I just bought freaking all natural lowfat yogurt and now look at me. I walk to my car thinking to myself how to get rid of this high cal drink but I want it. I could trash it but I am too cheap for that. I could run back home and give it to one of the skinny people who could probably use the calories but I hate backtracking (OCD). I could try to find a bum and give it to him/her but that would require a trek into the city. So, here I am at my desk *sip* with my now just the right temp venti size cup of delicious caramel macchiatto *sip* eating my too red to be all natural cup of lowfat strawberry yogurt. Cheers! Tomorrow will be better.


Blogger Lex said...

No Headway...No Worries!

I am worried that these Saturday mornings in the office are so routine? I thought this was just once in a while? What's up with THAT?

And, I need to edit my cockiness post...when I was writing it never occurred to me that cockiness was a real word and therefore needed to be spelled correctly. I'll get on that. Thanks.

Venti Caramel Macchiatto...Let me say I am so glad I don't have that as one of my vices. I find coffee irresistable, but I hate sweet coffee and I'm lactose intolerant, so I go easy on the creamy stuff. It's those DANG brownies in the deli in my building. They call my name...and they only cost $1.37. And they're HUGE. I almost got the shakes yesterday trying not to go back for one. I drank water like it was crack trying to feel full. It was ridiculous.

More power to you!

On the Mommy thing...YOU'RE an AMAZING mother. I need you to stop beating yourself up about that one. I told you, my kids would rock themselves to sleep and play alone in the bathtub. LOL. Oh, and live by the 10 second rule...That's because I'm cheap too.

It'll come together. Give it time. Try not to get OCD about this. It'll kill the buzz. Cuz this is SUCH a buzz. LOL.

11:03 AM  
Blogger KMF said...

LOL...BROWNIES!!! Only $1.37 for a huge hunk of chocolatey goodness?!?!?! Ummm....I would be figuring that into my calorie counting daily!!! At least a Monday, Wednesday and Friday thing! See....I am supposed to be working on that...dang. Water...water is my friend. Not to replace food but to keep me sated in the interim. Water...water...

Oh yeah, I found out about cockiness when I ran spell check. LOL.

And oh yeah, believe me....the rock yourself to sleep after bathing unattended next to the razors and the bubble bath...LOL. Ican't forget that.

11:26 AM  

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